Friday, January 16, 2009

Industry - MINI LP / 5 SONGS

"Have you heard, communication is two way word."

I really don't know what to tell you about this. Clear graphical study has given to the cover art. The photograph of an 80's band in denim has been stripped of its unessential elements and reduced to pure geometric forms. Artist Norman Moore may not have known Piet Mondrian or Theo van Doesburg, but they've most definitely got the same mindset. Everything, living or not, is put together from basic building blocks evolving towards consciousness. This is Theosophy; a doctrine of religious philosophy which holds that all religions are attempts by the "Spiritual Hierarchy" to help humanity evolve towards perfection. Each religion therefore holds a portion of the truth. Yes I copied this from Wikipedia. How else would I have known it? Whether or not Moore was a Theosophist, you wouldn't know by listening to the music. It has virtually nothing to do with this writing. Meggs' History of Graphic Design, is where you should have read about this. Maybe in the 5th edition....



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